Why reading is a rebel’s duty

When Prometheus stole the knowledge of fire from the Gods he gave them a hell of a fright. Handing out wisdom to the people so that they themselves could choose their destiny rather than allow themselves to be pawns of their overlords was the first radical act for which he had to be punished for all eternity.

The Gods chained Prometheus to a rock and every day a bird would come down and peck away at his liver, and every night his liver would grow back. For the ancient Greeks the liver was the seat of the soul, which tells us two things. First, that the Gods form of torture was spiritual as well as physical – just as capitalism erodes both our bodies and our souls.

Second, that no matter how much of his soul was eaten as long as he breathed it had the power to grow back. No matter what they do to us we still retain our humanity. In every situation there is something we can do.

When you hold a book in your hand take care. Treat it gently. Your hands are clasped around the most dangerous object known to man or woman. Books can captivate, enslave, beguile or they can liberate, enthuse and transform us into better versions of ourselves.

It is a rebel’s duty to read.

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